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theory of the existence of Atlantis

Many believe that long ago there is a vast maritime empire which is located in one of the world's largest ocean. His influence was so great, so the rest of the culture and heritage can be found throughout the world to date. Archaeological interpretation states that the maritime kingdom called Atlantis was located in the western Mediterranean Sea, there are different opinions with the call center in Costa Rica and Antarctica. But for people who skpetic, atlantis exist only in the mind of the writer and creative thinker, according to them it is simply imaginary kingdom.

Whether Atlantis is just a myth? or like the ancient city of Troy, which has been found after centuries simply regarded as imaginary kingdom of Hommer Philosopher?
About atlantis, however, that makes me want to go back because the topic of Atlantis there was a man who believes the answer will have everything that is still a puzzle about the culture of the past, and he sure knows where the actual location of the kingdom.
Atlantis the lost city of the most famous and most sought after throughout history. Its popularity even exceeds the lost cities of Sodom and Gomorrah like that also is still looking for the remains of the ruins.No doubt more, during the third millennium man enthralled in the story of Atlantis. In the fourth century BC, Greek philosopher Plato who considered the greatest thinker of his time, wrote the history of this legendary lost continent. But unfortunately, the definite origin of the legend of Atlantis is said to be unclear. According to a story, recounted the story of Atlantis to Socrates and Plato by a poet named Solon, who heard about the lost culture of an Egyptian priest.
In the Timeus and Critias, Plato wrote the dialogue which he poured on Atlantis with a detailed and comprehensive picture. The eloquent words serve as a map that is used as a hint by the explorers are determined to look tough remnants of this empire. Here are excerpts of the translation of Plato's Atlantis in Timeus and Critias:
"Island of Atlantis in the sea. Faced with the pillars of Hercules. And the area is larger than Libya and Asia put together. In the midst of its longest section, next to the sea there is a rectangular land area. Surrounded by mountains, and higher than sea level. Contains volcano , and is often affected by earthquakes and floods. menganung mountain of gold, silver, copper, and tin. and natural combination of gold and copper called orichalcum.
Land that has a system of canals large and small, too cold and the hot springs experience. Fertile soil and abundant crops. In the plains there is capital which is surrounded by concentric areas. The city was covered with a stone wall of red, white, and black. "
Of Plato's account of Atlantis excerpts above, it is described that mighty empire as a large island, located outside the Strait of Gibraltar, called the Greeks as the Pillars of Hercules. An island larger than Libya and Asia taken together. In the fourth century BC is still unknown how the world order. Therefore difficult for us to understand exactly what Plato meant by Asia and Libya when put together. Now, one might say Libya is probably the same as the part of North Africa. While Asia may be represented by Turkey and the Middle East region. From the point of view of Plato in Greek, Atlantis is located in the north Atlantic, resulting in a majority of the lost continent in search focused on the seabed.
Jim Allen, a map and former translator for British intelligence Air Force has a new perspective in examining the re-writing of Plato. He found that he believed to be the core of Plato's geographic legend. According to him, no lost continent that lies between the ocean side of Gibraltar, it believes may be the Atlantis in South America. By combining satellite imagery with practical knowledge of the ancient geometry, Allen believes he managed to justify almost any picture of Plato's Atlantis. He believes these lost civilizations have emerged kedaratan now, very different from what many people believed that the ruins are still buried towing.
Altiplano, that's what Allen was appointed as an area he believed to be Atlantis. There is something very interesting from the Altiplano region have been observed by Allen with satellite photos he had, that is what appears to be the remains of the canal area. Broad picture of Allen canal bisects the mainland Altiplano in satellite images. At terlebarnya point, nearly 600 feet from a side to side, almost exactly with the description of Plato.Plato said Atlantis as a continent, in the sense of the continent in addition to the ocean (see the image in addition to the marked arrows). There is a plain rectangle, located above sea level. Altiplano is a vast territory in South America and is directly adjacent to the Pacific Ocean. This region has a width of more than 102 miles and a length of nearly 300 miles, is made plain rectangular Altiplano as the largest in the world. Really fit the description of Plato's Atlantis.
Back to Timeus and Critias, Plato records the size of the plains of Atlantis in the stade. Stade is a unit of measurement commonly used by the Greek mathematician. 1 stade equal to 600 feet. But in South America, one stade is only 300 feet, half of one stade in the measurement of Ancient Greece.After Plato converted the plain size measures 113 x 171 earned miles. The only area in the Americas that can load for this is the Altiplano plateau. Yes, the Altiplano have almost all of the criteria described Plato's Atlantis. An area that is surrounded by mountains containing gold, silver, copper, and tin. The whole area lies on the fault which often results in earthquakes. Altiplano has a perfect illustration of the legend of Atlantis.
But some experts do not agree with Jim Allen in the belief that Atlantis was in South America. Mark Aldenderfer, Professor of Anthropology from UC Santa Barbara said that the Altiplano is a harsh environment for 10-15 million years. There is no relationship whatsoever about advanced agricultural population as to the existence of Atlantis Plato described in the Altiplano region.Altiplano area of ​​Bolivia today is an area rich in minerals. Alloy called orichalcum that described by Plato himself in his book can also be found here. In the dialogue on Atlantis, Plato wrote that the only level below gold Orichalcum. Orichalcum is intriguing because it is only found in the Altiplano, Andes.
Then the name of Atlantis itself, which deepened the mystery. Plato gave the name of the island of Atlantis mythology as possible because it is connected with the giant Atlas supporting the heavens. But there are also other theories that reinforce the opinion Allen. The word "Atl" comes from the Aztec language means water, while the "Antis" has the meaning of copper in the Inca language. All words are arranged consists of two words from the language of the two ancient civilizations of the largest in Latin America in addition to the ancient Mayan civilization, the Aztec and Inca civilizations. Currently, Allen focuses only to discover the capital city of Atlantis. His quest took him to Pampa Aullagas, an inactive volcano, surrounded by a sea of ​​sand and rocks. Allen believed that here was the capital of Atlantis before it sank into the ocean. Oceans, which has now subsided and became narrow creeks and smaller bodies of water. Today, this area leaving only remnants of the dry seabed and arid.

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