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The sinking of the Kingdom of Krishna "Dwaraka"

When reading the title of this article, I'm sure you are a little hesitant, may not even believe it. What is perhaps 15,000 years BC, there is nuclear war and human civilization has been so high? In fact, nuclear technology is a hi-tech technology is done by the physicists. Small errors that occur in equipment or process can be disastrous, spreader death. Such as leakage in Chernobyl's nuclear reactor Russia is considerable loss of life due to radioactive radiation.

Early History of Planet Nibiru (Planet X)

The outside of our solar system still has a lot of minor planets that have not been found. Since the search for Planet X began in the early 20th century, the possibility of a hypothetical planet orbiting the Sun beyond the Kuiper Belt has fueled many Doomsday theories and speculation that Planet X is actually the brother of our sun that has long been "lost".

theory of the existence of Atlantis

Many believe that long ago there is a vast maritime empire which is located in one of the world's largest ocean. His influence was so great, so the rest of the culture and heritage can be found throughout the world to date. Archaeological interpretation states that the maritime kingdom called Atlantis was located in the western Mediterranean Sea, there are different opinions with the call center in Costa Rica and Antarctica. But for people who skpetic, atlantis exist only in the mind of the writer and creative thinker, according to them it is simply imaginary kingdom.

Al-Quran Speaks About UFOs

In today's world, there are two kinds of vehicles that are generally used in the history of human life, which is taking the starting power forward for example, animals, cars, ships or aircraft.